Wednesday 28 May 2014


Abstract Factory Pattern
Builder Pattern
Prototype Pattern
Adapter Pattern
Bridge Pattern
Filter Pattern
Composite Pattern
Decorator Pattern
Facade Pattern
Chain of Responsibility Pattern
Command Pattern
Interpreter Pattern
Iterator Pattern
Mediator Pattern
Memento Pattern
Observer Pattern
State Pattern
Null Object Pattern
Strategy Pattern
Template Pattern
Visitor Pattern

Business Delegate Pattern
Composite Entity Pattern
Front Controller Pattern
Intercepting Filter Pattern
Service Locator Pattern
Transfer Object Pattern
Design Pattern Resources
Design Pattern Guide
Design Pattern Resources
Selected Reading
Developer's Best Practices
Effective Resume Writing

Friday 23 May 2014

Design pattern elements

  1. problem           : talks about basic problem to use design pattern
  2. Forces             : talks about benifits of design pattern utlization
  3. Rules                :  Rules to follow
  4. Implementation : Is nothing but a Code, The real implementation of design pattern
  5. Related pattern : other design pattern

jee design patterns

  1. Business Deligator
  2. Service Locator
  3. DAO (Data Access Object) which seperates other logic
  4. Business Object
  5. Value object
  6. Session Fascade
  7. Message Fascade and etc.,

Web Level Presentation Tier Design Pattern

  1. MVC1, MVC2 (mvc design pattern)
  2. Front Controller 
  3. Intercepting Filter
  4. Abstract Controller
  5. Composite View
  6. view Helper Design pattern and etc.,
Types of design patterns
java enterprise edition architecture
Web Level Presentation Tier Design Pattern
jee design patterns

java enterprise edition architecture

Large Scale project contains so many layers (Java Based) or JEE Project (or) java enterprise edition

Types of Design Patterns

Types of Design Patterns:

1. Created design patterns

  • Talks about object creation process
Factory Method
Factory pattern
Abstract Factory pattern
and etc.,

2. Structure design patterns

  • It talks about the big object creation by combining multiple objects

1. Adapter pattern
2. bridge pattern
3. composite pattern
4. decorator design pattern
5. Facade

3. Behavioral Design pattern

  • Talks about the interaction/communication between software objects.
  1. command pattern
  2. chain responsiblity
  3. Interpreter pattern
  4. Iterator pattern
  5. Mediator
  6. Momento 
  7. Observer Pattern
  8. Slate pattern
  9. Template pattern
  10. Strategy pattern
  11. Visitor pattern
Large Scale project contain so many layers (JAVA based) or JEE project (or) Java Enterprise Edition

Integratrnion Tier, Business Tier, Persistance Tier Design Patte

  1. Business Deligate
  2. Service Locator
  3. DAO (Data Access Object) which seperates other logic
  4. Business Object
  5. Value Object
  6. Session Facade
  7. Message Facade and etc,...


To learn Design patterns we should have knowledge in core java, Advance java (servlets, jsp and jdbc)

  • it is purely related to application coding used more confident on experience.
  • it is a methodology.

 The life of the project is dependent on design of the project.
  • If we have a good design we can use the project for multiple years.
  • if we use a good design on top of existing project we can construct/develop multiple other projects.
  • The project architecture clearly tells us which component of the project is communicating with which other component of the other project.
  • Sun Micro system has suggested two architectures/Design Patterns who develops the projects based on Java Software.
Design Patterns: (defn):
  Design pattern is set of rules which come as best solution for reoccuring problems of application development.
A design pattern is the best solution for repeatedly occured problems across multiple projects.

  • Design patterns are best practices to use s/w technologyies and program languages effectively
  • pattern means solution for problem.
  • The worst solution for any problem is called ANTI PATTERN.
  • ISO maintains the document of both design patterns and Anti patterns.
  • For object oriented programming GOF (gang of Four) scientists have given 100 + design patterns and later they are standardised to 20+ patterns .
  • we can find the design pattern documents in the internet
  • These documents are prepared by the experienced persons who has worked in that area.
  • Design patterns are independent of programming language
  • the design patterns are not belongs to any specific language. We can use the Design patterns in every projects based on the requirements