Monday 7 June 2010

Fast Line Reader or Fast Lane Reader

Some times applications access data in a tabular fashion, such as when browsing a catalog or a list of names or when exporting data in batches for use elsewhere. This kind of data access is usually read-only. In such situations, using entity beans to represent persistent data incurs(problem) overhead and provides little benefit. Entity beans are best for coarse-grained access to individual business entities, and are not effective for read-only access to large quantities of tabular data.

the fast lane reader design pattern provides a more efficient way to access tabular, read-only data. A fast lane reader component directly accesses persistent data using jdbc components , instead of using entity beans. The result is improved performance and less coding, because the component represents data in a from that is closer to how the data are used.

EJB components &  HIBERNATE persistence logics are called as OR (Object Relational) Mapping persistence logics. Since EJB Components are distrubuted components so their persistence logic can be accessed from remote clients also.

  HIBERNATE is not a distributed technology so its persistence logic can not be accessed from remote clients. To access the  HIBERNATE  logic from remote clients also we need to keep hibernate persistence logic in EJB components like Session Bean component.


If a java client application takes the support of EJB entity components or Hibernate persistence logic to interact with database software then that process may kill the performance of the application.

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